Hiring a Postdoc

A picture of the diagram showing the ten steps to hire a Postdoc

The above is a high-level process flow of the steps BEST takes in partnership with their campus departments to hire Postdoctoral Scholars (Postdocs). Below are more details about what each step involves. 

Postdoc Hiring Process


  • Please Consult with your HR Partner / Academic Analyst to start the Postdoc Hiring process BEFORE completing documents or, submitting a Service Hub Case

  • Proof of PhD is Required to Submit Postdoc Appointments for Approval

  • Postdocs only have 5 years of Eligibility (The 6th year Requires An Exception)

  • Please note that postdocs may not have previously held a tenure-track professorial appointment, including assistant professor, associate professor, or professor.

  • For Postdoc Appointment Extensions, an Annual Evaluation form must be completed by both the PI and the Postdoc

StepAction / Instructions
1 Inform your BEST HR Partner of your planned Postdoc hire as soon as possible.  Your HRP will contact you regarding extending the appointment of an existing Postdoc at least 2-3 months in advance, earlier if a visa is required.

Expand for additional information about initiating a Recruitment

  1. HRP will initiate AP Recruitment in the AP Recruit system and begin to gather information regarding the Position. More detailed information regarding the Non-Senate Academic Recruitment process can be found here. 

  2. The PI will need to provide a Position Description, Basic, Additional and/or Preferred Qualifications and Required Documents. Please refer to this Non-Senate Academic Form for the information required to initiate a Recruitment. 

    1. Note that if a Recruitment is being requested: No more than three years of Post-Phd research experience can be exceeded by the start date. 

  3. A Timeline of the recruitment and hiring for the position should be established through consultation with the HR Partner. OFEW  requires the academic non-senate recruitment to be open for at least 15 days.

  4. After the Initial Review Date has passed, PI can begin the Interview Process. At least 2 or more qualified candidates should be interviewed before a final candidate can be proposed for hire. The PI would need to provide the following documents after the interview process is complete: 

    1. Copy of actual interview questions used for this recruitment (all candidates must be asked the same interview questions) 

    2. Copy of the actual interview notes for each candidate interviewed. A typed up short summary for each question asked & answered for every applicant interviewed is preferred. Please indicate the name of each candidate at the top and the date/time/method of interview.

  5. Once all documentation is received - The HR Partner will guide the PI through the final steps to submit the Search Report for Approvals.

StepAction / Instructions
2 Once a Qualified Candidate is identified. Provide HRP with the Postdoc’s updated CV and proposed appointment dates (Per the PX contract, the minimum mandated duration of the initial appointment is 2 years, and the reappointment is 1 year.)

HRP will review the documents and determine their eligibility/level and the processing timeline and draft the Postdoc Request Form (PRF) - please be advised that proof of PhD is required to submit for approval.


HRP will request more documents from the PI, if needed:

  1. If an appointment extension, a Postdoc Evaluation is required

  2. If a Visa is needed, HRP will reach out to the Visa team (more documents will be needed)

  3. For a 6th-year Reappointment, a 6th-year Exception Request Memo from the PI will be required

5 PI will review the drafted PRF for accuracy and sign off for approval.
6 HRP will route the PRF for approvals (RA, Chair / Director, Dean’s Office).
7 HRP will prepare the VSPA Gateway Application for the Postdoc to access, complete and submit.
8 Once the appointment is Approved -  The HRP generates the Offer Letter and sends it to the PI and Postdoc to sign. If J-1, H1B, or TN visa sponsorship is needed, the Visa Team will review and submit an application to the Berkeley International Office (BIO) for their review and submission to USCIS.

One month out from the start date:

  1. HRP alerts the Onboarding team to reach out to the Postdoc to facilitate Onboarding (not needed if an extension); 

  2. The appointment is then entered; Payroll will send CalTime Welcome Email. 

10 Postdoc is Hired & receives their Employee ID + Benefits Enrollment details via Welcome Email