Research Administration

About Research Administration

BEST helps UC Berkeley Faculty and Principal Investigators (PIs) focus on their groundbreaking and world-class research efforts by providing customized administrative and management support for research proposals, grants, awards, and contracts throughout various steps in the life cycle:

Image of the seven steps in a grant life cycle and link to the Berkeley Research webpage

RA Supervisor(s) by Unit/Department


QB3, Museums and Field Stations


(Pre-Award only) QB3, MCB, IB, RCNR, HWNI, Museums and Field Stations

Frequent Campus Collaborators

Sponsored Project Office (SPO)

SPO is responsible for reviewing and authorizing proposals for submissions. They are also responsible for interpreting, negotiating, and accepting contracts and grants for sponsored projects funded by federal and state agencies, foundations, and other public and private sources on behalf of the University. SPO and the Industry Alliances Office (IAO) also give departments approval to submit proposals directly to sponsors but only after they review them and when necessary/appropriate. Check out their website using the link above for more details. 

Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA)

CGA is primarily responsible for billing and cash collections throughout the life of the sponsored project as well as award closeout. They also prepare and submit financial reports to the funding Sponsor. They manage the internal Billings and Accounts Receivable system in UCOP's Financial Management System to assure data integrity. Check out their website using the link above for more details.