Curtailment 2019

November 12, 2019

Dear Campus Colleagues, 

Last month, you received a campus email outlining this year’s curtailment date impacts for Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) and the Controller’s Office processing timeframes. I am writing today with a reminder about the BRS HR-related deadlines as departments/units will experience earlier-than-usual deadlines for HR-based transactions. This is due to multiple UCPath December lockout periods (12/5-9 & 12/18-22) coupled with the curtailment/winter break period.

Here is a summary as well as a reminder about timesheet deadlines for December:

  • Onboarding activities for new Berkeley staff will be suspended during curtailment and the next regularly scheduled New Employee Onboarding Session will be offered on Thursday, January 2, 2020 at Onboarding’s new location in room 1B at University Hall. 

  • HR-based requests deadline date: 12/2/2019

    • These requests could include:

      • Pay-related (excluding timesheets) transactions *

      • Appointments ending on 12/31/19 that need to be extended (this will ensure no lapse in access when the employee returns in January 2020)

      • Any promotions or separations (prior to 12/31/19)

      • All STAR Awards for December

* Note: see the BRS Client Payroll Calendar for usual December timesheet deadlines. Here are some highlights of those timesheet deadlines: 

  • 11/20/19 - deadline for (B1) bi-weekly pay on 12/11/19

  • 12/2/19 - deadline for: 

    • (B2) bi-weekly 12/23/19 pay date

    • (B1) bi-weekly 1/8/20 pay date

    • (MO) monthly deadline for the 1/2/20 pay date 

January/February 2020 hiring/onboarding deadlines reminders:

  • Last date to complete New Employee Onboarding in order to receive timely pay:

    • Onboard by 12/5/19 to receive pay on 1/2/2020 

    • Onboard by 1/6/20 to receive pay on 2/1/20 (For ASE/GSR and Lecturers hires for Spring ‘20 appointments need to complete Onboarding no later than the first day of the semester (1/14/20) in order to avoid potential damage payments or potential teaching day basis calculations. 

    • Onboard by 2/20/20 to receive pay on 3/1/20

The comprehensive list of BRS Curtailment 2019 Deadlines can be found on the BRS website at:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or your respective HR Partner. 

